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Thursday, July 9, 2009

Part-time Job @ KUMON KIDS

Today,i just went interview for part-time job near my house.Interview at 11am and i went out home around 10.45am..sempat jer coz it's near to my house.Actually,i dunno the exact place.So,cari punya cari mcm terjumpa one tuition centre ni..opposite PETRONAS..vanitha told me it is in front of PETRONAS.

So,push the button kat luar xde la plak tulis KUMON KIDS..hurm..xpelah...maybe dia letak nama lain,masuk la dalam tu...i saw 2-3 chinese kids..macam standard 1 macam tu la...then,ada sorang chinese lady ni came and asked me..(dalam hati macam pelik..xkan ni instructor tu kot..suppose to be indian)

chinese lady:looking for tuition?
me:hurm,is this KUMON KIDS?
chinese lady:No,this is....bla bla(aku x berapa dengar lah) you know where is KUMON KIDS
chinese lady:oh,just at the corner there..
me:thanks..sorry again(~~ngee...malunyer..silap tempat la plak)

Pusing balik..went to the corner of the shophouse...ha,jumpa pon.x nmpk la...papan tanda macam pudar..ok,get out from the car..went to first to the person incharge..macam biasa la..kena isi borang..urgh..have to wrote down the same things that already stated in resume...banyak jugak kena isi...and this is my first the check box of status...i tick MARRIED..ngee~~~

after filled in the form,i met miss vanitha(instructor for the branch) for interview session and we had a little bit of chit-chat..she explain to me about the tuition..she sad the approach is different and follow japanese style...then only i know that KUMON KIDS is originally from Japan rupanya...yabedabedooo....

bla bla bla(citer panjang plak miss vanitha ni,kinda talkative :)).....and then she can join us..come on monday @9am..dalam hati...alhamdullilah...memandangkan aku dah macam a little bit bosan duk dalam tu..aku cpat2 minta diri...thanks miss vanitha..


0 :: V.O.I.C.E.S :::


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