What a busy March for me...
Lately,I've been busy with Bumi Armada and Baronia project at the office. Need to complete the technical and commercial proposal at a very limited time and I need to work on Sunday :(.
Luckily I'll be on leave tomorrow to settle TNB and DIB things for Ipoh house and feel bless my eyes can have some good rest from focusing on numbers,specifications,datasheet and so on.
I've registered Ezzy's Kitchen to become one of vendors for Gold Garden Boutique and we go for chill food category.We decided to put caramel pudding and chocolate lasagna in the boutique.Hopefully,more and more people will love our foods soon and we get well known one day. Insya-Allah.By the way,there will be an opening ceremony at the end of March and everyone is welcome.Location and exact date will be shared very soon.
Just left another 2-3 weeks to our first outdoor event for 2015.That's is MoksFestival,which will be held at Maeps soon in the end of this month. I will share with you guys in the next entry. I am super duper sleepy and need to sleep as I need to wake up early morning tomorrow.
See ya guys later :)
Tahun 2020
5 years ago
0 :: V.O.I.C.E.S :::
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